Course Length: 2 days

Course Overview

Learn and discover why a relentless dedication to continuous improvement will give you the greatest competitive advantage. The principle of PDCA: Plan, Do, Check, Act is emphasized, but also of equal value is the flexible, yet precise reporting system, which is married to the process. All about efficiency, every report must be confined to one side of an A3 (11 X 17 inch) sheet of paper.

The class emphases the discipline required to generate and execute the A3 Report.

A3 is not about generating more paperwork, but is all about creating a process and a mindset that are uncompromising in their dedication to improvement. Diligently applying the process, thinking, and applying the tools will dramatically improve the effectiveness of those individuals involved, and when spread through an organization, will quickly result in a culture improvement. While this system grew out of automotive manufacturing, it is proven to be broadly applicable to almost any management system.

The class will also provide

A basis for managerial effectiveness

Examples, templates and hands-on individual exercises for creating and writing A3 Reports.

Practical advice on how to write and review A3 Reports


Lean Process Improvement or equivalent knowledge.

Course Outline

  • A3 Thinking
  • The Problem-Solving A3 Report
  • The Proposal A3 Report
  • The Status A3 Report
  • Notes on Form and Style
  • Supporting Structures
  • Conclusion