Course Length: 2 days - With differences between virtual and in-person presentations

Course Overview

A great presenter delivering an effective presentation has two notable qualities: appropriate skills and personal confidence. Confidence comes from knowing what you want to say, a plan for delivering your message and being comfortable with your communication skills. In this two-day workshop you will master the skills that will make you a better speaker and presenter, both virtually and in person. You will take home worksheets regarding the consideration of your proposed audience, what information you want to convey, different engagement tactics based on your delivery method, understanding the different requirements and audience needs of virtual vs in-person presentations, main points of your presentation, how to introduce pictures, videos, drawings, etc., to each type of audience and anticipated questions, all essential elements that need to be considered before the actual presentation is even produced.


PowerPoint Part 1 or equivalent knowledge

PowerPoint Part 2 or equivalent knowledge

It is recommended before class you formulate several areas of interest you would be interested in developing for work during the hands-on exercises in class.

Course Outline

  • Explore key communication skills, including how to start and end a conversation. The need for a shorter introduction when presenting virtually and continuing the presentation by talking with and not to your audience.
  • Examine and understand how specific details impact the creation of effective communication and how those details need to be presented differently in live and virtual presentations. Differences in attention spans for virtual vs in-person presentations.
  • Impressions made by the speaker’s characteristics. Exam different methods of exuding a positive characteristic virtually and in person.
  • Personality types and what it means to you as a presenter. Different means of reading in person and virtually.
  • Positive self-talk – learn how to build your self-confidence
  • Trust – the idea of rapport and how it can build relationships.
  • Maximizing the most of the meeting.
  • Body language, verbal responses.
  • Sticky situations
  • The Five S’s of a good presentation
  • Audience profiles
  • Examine 8 key elements of a presenter’s message
  • Different visual aids to add punch for in-person versus a virtual presentation
  • Technical and visual considerations. Handling the dissemination of login information for virtual presentations and appropriate platforms for delivery.
  • Preparation and presentation of an individual short presentation

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