Course Length:  1 day

Course Overview

XML: An Introduction (Second Edition) is a gentle introduction to XML. It is designed for both technical and non-technical students. All of the central XML technologies are covered, including XSLT, XML DOM, XML Linking, DTDs, and XML Schema. In addition to XML-specific technologies, other Web-centric technologies are also discussed.


Rapid Introduction to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Course Objectives

Lesson objectives help students become comfortable with the course, and also provide a means to evaluate learning. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Identify the benefits of using XML.
  • Write well-formed XML using XML syntax such as elements, attributes, comments, and processing instructions.
  • Write valid XML with DTDs.
  • Write valid XML with Schema.
  • Use DOM and SAX effectively.
  • Display XML in Internet Explorer using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).
  • Transform XML using XSLT.
  • Use XML namespaces and create links using the HTML namespace.
  • Identify the functions and benefits of the XML linking specifications.

Course Outline

Lesson 1: The Past, Present, and Future of XML

  • The Limitation of SGML
  • XML: The Best of All Worlds

Lesson 2: Creating Well-formed XML Documents

  • XML Document Markup
  • Creating XML: Elements, Attributes, and Entities
  • Creating an XML Markup Language: Processing Instructions, Character Data, and Comments
  • XML and HTML

Lesson 3: Valid XML With DTDs

  • Introduction to the Document Type Definition (DTD)
  • Creating a DTD

Lesson 4: Valid XML With Schema

  • Schema Specification
  • Defining Elements
  • Defining Attributes
  • XML Schema Data Types

Lesson 5: XML DOM and SAX

  • XML APIs
  • SAX

Lesson 6: Displaying XML Documents Using CSS

  • Style Sheets
  • Cascading Style Sheets

Lesson 7: Transforming XML With XSLT

  • XSLT
  • Using XSLT To Order Your Output

Lesson 8: XML Namespaces

  • Introduction to Namespaces
  • Linking Using HTML Namespaces

Lesson 9: XLink and XPointer

  • XLink and XPointer


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